
Gempa Aceh Dalam Gambar

Gempa Aceh Dalam Gambar
Gempa Aceh Dalam Gambar
 An earthquake which struck under the sea off Indonesia's northern Aceh province with a magnitude of 8.6 prompted people to rush out in to the streets and away from buildings.
Beberapa pegawai kantoran menyelamatkan diri dari gempa 8,6 SR ke luar bangunan, Banda Aceh
Fearing a tsunami, people made efforts to reach higher ground. The quake was followed by strong aftershocks.
Warga Banda Aceh berupaya untuk mencari tempat-tempat yang lebih tinggi, setelah disusul gempa susulan.
Despite the panic caused by the earthquake and subsequent aftershocks, there have been no immediate reports of serious damage or casualties.
Kemacetan pun terjadi diberbagai ruas jalan sesaat setelah gempa berlangsung, Banda Aceh
The region is regularly hit by earthquakes. The Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, which killed more than 170,000 people in Indonesia, remains firmly lodged in the country's collective consciousness.
Warga berhamburan ke luar rumah dan jalan-jalan menghindari bangunan, Banda Aceh
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center later cancelled its tsunami warning, which was issued to countries along the rim of the Indian Ocean, from Australia, to India and Africa.
Gempa di Aceh tidak hanya dirasakan oleh berbagai negara, peringatan tsunami pun sempat membuat warga belahan negara lain panik.
In the southern Indian city of Chennai, patients were evacuated from hospitals.
Di kota Chennai, India bagian selatan pasien rumah sakit diungsikan ke luar bangunan
Beaches in the coastal city were ordered to evacuate and cordoned off.
Warga-warga di sekitar pesisir kota India juga dihimbau untuk meninggalkan tepi pantai
Tremors were felt as far away as Thailand. Here, a police officer in Hat Yai district of Songkhla province, southern Thailand, guides traffic in front of a crowd of residents and workers who were evacuated from nearby buildings.
Salah satu polisi di Hat Yai, provinsi Songkhla, selatan Thailand juga ikut mengatur lalu lintas pasca gempa di Aceh.

Itulah beberapa foto kepanikan warga di Aceh setelah diguncang gempa berkekuatan 8.9 SR, Rabu (11/4) sore yang berpusat di Pulau Simeulue. Tidak hanya daerah-daerah tetangga seperti Medan dan Padang, efek gempa tersebut juga dirasakan negera-negara tentangga seperti Thailand, India, dan sekitarnya. (Sumber foto BBC News World/AP/AFP/Reuters)

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